Wednesday, December 30, 2009

List of Individuals Involved in the Conspiracy With

FOX 5 News
Channel 4 News of Pittsburgh, PA
Rev. Al Sharpton (National Action Network)
CBS News, New York
Charles Ickes (Madame Paulette)
US Federal (Fort Laudderale FL
Houston Restaurant
Blooming Dales Cleaning Service
Roma Cleaning
N.Y University
Bellview Hospital
Prison 47
Prison 48 ACLU of Pittsburgh, PA
NAACP of Pittsburg, PA
Jamaican Consulate of New York
Dr. Zimmerman (Primary Care Physician)
North Versailles, Cops
Mike (Children’s Hospital)
Madome Paulette Dry Cleaners
Guardians Complete Services
N.Y Hospital Queens
Jacobi Hospital
Montefiore Hospital
Toyo Phone Company


Danielle Rodney
Autumn Markley
Rory Mahon
Dr. Freeman
Lisa Sambo
Bryan Baker
Cameron King Samantha Wright
Prosecutor in the Bronx Hall of Justice

Jennifer Chalmers
Norma Chase
Alexus and Brian
Stanley Fudor
Patrick(Editor Street Heights Newspaper)
Lieutenant Micheal F. Gilleian- Pennsylvania Police Carrie Washington
Anita Base
Bruce Rodney
Raman Nelson
Nye Brown
Judy T. Campbell
J. Micheal Mcahon
Mark Williams
Edward G. Rendell- Governor of Pennsylvania

People of the public:
There is a multi-million dollar cover up going on right now in New York and I need your help before it is too late. The Pittsburgh feds broke federal laws. Now, Southern Court District of New York and the Federal Government are trying to cover the crime until statute of limitations runs out. My case is in the wrong court. Now Southern Court refuses to throw out my case
The Federal Government is paying the press millions of dollars to not release my story to the public. They are paying lawyers not to take my case. People I know, who can help me expose them, are also being paid not to help me expose them. New York Feds keeps erasing my story off from They are also stopping me from work and sabotaging my public health insurance. They are breaking federal laws and violating my civil rights.
Here are the documents that the federal government doesn’t want the public to see. I need you to take these documents and audio tape home because I’m offering $100,000,000 (willing to sign an agreement) to anyone who can help me send these documents and audio tapes to the press and help me find a civil rights attorney to file the case in Pittsburgh. If you help me find the press, it is over for the corrupt feds, and if you help me find an attorney, they will lose the case.
By knowing about this case, you have the power to make a difference. I’m willing to take a polygraph test to prove I am telling the truth. NY feds are paying employers to not hire me, because I need $350 to file this case in Pittsburgh, PA.
I cannot afford to pay child support because NY feds are stopping me from obtaining any jobs. I encourage you to take a position in this case because the feds are making it hard for me to do it on my own. If I obey the law, so should the feds. No one is above the law. Please help me!!!

Contact Me At My Mailing Address:
2132 Daily Avenue
Bronx, NY 10460

Conspiracry with Pittsburgh Feds Against Raymond Rodney

People of the Public, the federal Government is trying to murder me because Pittsburgh Feds broke federal laws an I'm trying to take legal action against them. New York Feds are breaking -federal laws to cover-up the crime in Pittsburgh by poisoning me. Now there is something in my body that makes my urine appear like cooking oil an I'm having mysterious skin rashes forming around my elbows and neck. On 12/21/08 I went to Jacobi Hospital for my symptoms and they denied for medical treatment On January 25th, 2009 I went to Montefiore Hospital i was denied. On February 1st, I went back to a different branch at Weller Hospital where they drew blood and also took a urine sample from me. The NY feds called the hospital and stopped them from telling me my symptoms. I have never had a any form of sickness since i sew the Pittsburgh Feds. They are stopping me from getting a blood test and a chest x-ray done to stop me from finding out what they put in my food. I never picked up a gun and gun down a Federal agent i just filed a lawsuit case against Pittsburgh Feds and they tried to take my life cause they are guilty beyond a million reasonable doubts reputations are at state people are going to go prison so people in the Federal Government and Washington are using millions of Dollars, United States Traveling Visa, Green Cards, Cars and Trucks to find a civil rights attorney to help take my case and go public. I had filed a attempted murder case against the Federal Government and Washington can't sabotage but people the Court isn't going to grant me the court is in the Corruption so please help me let the press know that this case exist no more hospitals can't get in the corruption and deny me medical attention a chest x-ray and a blood test and no more employer can get involved in the corruption to either fire me or lay me off here are all of the employers who people in Washington and the Federal Government probe them to break federal laws and fire me:
Houston Restaurant
54 street 3rd ave, NY,NY

Blooming Dale's Cleaning Service
59 Lexington Ave

230W 230 Street
Bronx NY 10463

One Source La
Guardia, NY

Madame Paulette Dry Cleaners
42-20 12th Street

Guardian Complete Service
La Guardia, NY

Roma Cleaning
Jet Blue Arrival Terminal, JFK, NY

Quest Electric Corp
2 South Street
Mount Vernon NY 10550

I need a lawyer to check the phone calls to prove its the Feds on the phone probing these lawyers and employers also there cell phones because they are talking to them by texting i'm not stupid i was born in the night but not last night but i'm not stupid i know it is the feds there are talking to. I need a blood test and a chest x-ray to prove to you how far they will go when they find themselves on the wrong side of the law its a crime to over-up a crime no one is a above the law Check out to see the videos

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Please help me expose them
People of the public I am asking you for your help please everywhere I go to find someone to help me find a civil rights attorney or go public with my story people in the Federal Government and in Washington go behind my back and probe them I want see if they are going to probe the public not to help me expose them I am not a computer person so I am offering $100,000,000 (I am willing to sign an agreement to anyone who can go home today and help me e-mail these documents and audio tapes to the press) and help me find a civil rights attorney(it is a ferderal case the lawyer doesn’t have to come from the United States or New York) it is very important that you know these cases have nothing to do with America America didn’t stop my divorce or put explosive device or stop me from putting my name on my son birth certificate you can go to and type in ray273bowlo and you will find out who did what . New york F.B.I placed an explosive(bomb) device in my left-over food and detonate it inside of me and it explode and left-side and my stomach and I am also being poisoned by a tracking device New York F.B.I placed in my food it causes rashes to come only around my neck and elbows and every muscle in my body to burn and makes me fall asleep easily whenever I walk in a building to speak with an attorney or to apply for a job or drop a resume off the tracking device allows F.B.I to know what floor I am on and the floor I am on it only takes a couple seconds for them to call the office and probe the attroney not to take the case or probe the employer not to hire me, they are probing the hospitals in New York to deny me medical treatment deny me a chest x-ray and not showing me my chest results plus giving a false blood test on myspace you will see all the hospitals that are in the corruption and help the Feds cover-up a crime They are buying out the court in the United States District Court in the Southern District of New York Federal Court a dirty Corrupt Federal Judge closed this case (they cannot win in court)#09c1z5684 against the federal government without sending me any paper telling me when to come to court there are two attempted murder case I filed against New York Feds and the Federal Government they are fighting outside of the court by interrupting my unemployment benefits and child support office of Pittsburgh are taking out any cvhild out of my unemployment because they are trying to set me up to go to jail for unpayments of child support or take away my taxes return cheque so I cannot pay for a chest x-ray or a blood test to cover-up these cases it doesn’t matter how much money they have or how big they think they are they are not has big has the United States Constition they are not invisible nor untouchable and I know they can be exposed the President is working very hard to find jobs and lower the unemployment rate in this country and people in the Federal Government and Washington is stopping me from work because I am fighting from my rights and my life christmas is coming I cannot buy my two sons a gift my resume is on this DvD please help me find a job online New York F.B.I and people and in Washington are probing every woman I try to start a friendship with in New York millions of dollars to stay away from me they donot want me have a girlfriend to stand-up for me and help me fight them please let the press and the lawyer contact me at the address below because they are probing everyone whop try to contact me by phone and mail to help.
PLEASE CONTACT ME AT: 347-602-2660
4267 Carpenter Avenue Bronx New York
Zip Code: 10466