Monday, January 11, 2010

Please help me expose them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please help me expose them!!!!!!
People of the public I am asking you for your help please everywhere I go to find someone to help me find a civil rights attorney or go public with my story people in the Federal Government and in and Washington know how to manipulate the system they know what can be proven in court because they are probing so they go behind my back and probe them included 3 pastors from the Bronx and 1 priest from a Catholic Church from 50th and 5th Avenue Manhattan, New York I want see if they are going to probe the public not to help me expose them I am not a computer person so I am offering $100,000,000 (I am willing to sign an agreement to anyone who can go home today and help me e-mail these documents and audio tapes to the press) and help me find a civil rights attorney(it is a federal case the lawyer doesn’t have to come from the United States or New York) it is very important that you know these cases have nothing to do with America didn’t stop my divorce or put explosive device or stop me from putting my name on my son birth certificate you can go to and type in ray273bowlo and you will find out who did what . New York F.B.I placed an explosive(bomb) device in my left-over food and detonate it inside of me and it explode and left-side and my stomach and I am also being poisoned by a tracking device New York F.B.I placed in my food it causes rashes to come only around my neck and elbows and every muscle in my body to burn and makes me fall asleep easily whenever I walk in a building to speak with an attorney or to apply for a job or drop a resume off the tracking device allows F.B.I to know what floor I am on and the floor I am on it only takes a couple seconds for them to call the office and probe the attorney not to take the case or probe the employer not to hire me, they are probing the hospitals in New York to deny me medical treatment deny me a chest x-ray and not showing me my chest results plus giving a false blood test on myspace you will see all the hospitals that are in the corruption and help the Feds cover-up a crime They are buying out the court in the United States District Court in the Southern District of New York Federal Court a dirty Corrupt Federal Judge closed this case (they cannot win in court)#09c1z5684 against the federal government without sending me any paper telling me when to come to court there are two attempted murder case I filed against New York Feds and the Federal Government they are fighting outside of the court by interrupting my unemployment benefits and child support office of Pittsburgh are taking out any cvhild out of my unemployment because they are trying to set me up to go to jail for unpayments of child support or take away my taxes return cheque so I cannot pay for a chest x-ray or a blood test to cover-up these cases it doesn’t matter how much money they have or how big they think they are they are not has big has the United States Constitution they are not invisible nor untouchable and I know they can be exposed the President is working very hard to find jobs and lower the unemployment rate in this country and people in the Federal Government and Washington is stopping me from work because I am fighting from my rights and my life Christmas come and gone I couldn’t have buy my two sons a gift this is 2010 and first quality maintenance 70 west 36 street Manhattan New York 21294778100 toke probe from people from in the federal government and Washington who are financing the Conspiracy right here in New York to stop me from work to cover-up a crime my resume is on this DVD please help me find a job online New York F.B.I and people and in Washington are probing every woman I try to start a friendship with in New York millions of dollars to stay away from me they do not want me have a girlfriend to stand-up for me and help me fight them people of the public do you people in the federal government and Washington are going to let $100,000,000 cause them to be exposed? So if receive one of these flyers and the DVD you are a multi-millionaire putting a tracking device in a human is illegal and putting a explosive device (bomb) inside a human is a terrorist they cannot afford for my story to reach national TV. It my mom and I who are fighting them all my friends and everyone in my family are on the Feds payroll they destroy my family with visa, money and green card please let the press and the lawyer contact me at the address below because they are probing everyone who try to contact me by phone and mail to help.
PLEASE CONTACT ME AT: 347-602-2660
4267 Carpenter Avenue Bronx New York
Zip Code: 10466

THe story with Landlord

2132 Daily Avenue
Bronx NY

To the people of the public after Lincolm Morrison and Milton Hutchinson illegally evict me and my mom I got an apartment at this address while we were moving in our stuff the landlord doesn’t speak English so I asked her granddaughter the address for this apartment I told her and needed it to give child support and she told me I cannot use this address to receive mail that’s were I picked up something is wrong they gave me an address to receive mail that is no were close to were the apartment is so I found out the landlord had a daughter on the 5th floor my mom and I were wondering why did they gave me that address to receive mail. My mom and I went down to the United States District Court SOUTHERN District of New York to change the address on the attempted murder case against New York Feds, after we changed the address what happen next in the apartment as unbelievable the federal Government stated to pay these people off my mom and I saw a refrigerator coming in that cost more then a $1000 dollars and the landlord’s granddaughter was pregnant at the time and someone threw and baby shower for her after the baby shower was over all the baby stuff that was brought home could open a baby store I have never seen someone get so many baby gifts in my life. The room was full of baby stuff my mom and I could hardly pass because of stuff in the hallway I knew the feds was spending money and buying these stuff my mom and I went back to the court and change the address and used my sister’s after we changed it we went back to time square giving more flyers after we finished giving flyers all the baby stuff was GONE there as nothing in the room nor hallway the Federal Government found an apartment for them I knew there as something rong these people just thought we were stupid. These people are helping the government cover-up a crime

Acknowledgement of Paternity

Danielle Rodney is my wife, Although currently are separated. We attempted to place my name on my son's birth certificate by filling out the proper forms and posting is certified mail with delivery confirmation to the Acknowledgement of Paternity office. I also included my return address in the envelope. Recently, my wife (Danielle Rodney) informed me that they sent a new form for us to complete. She informed me that she told that the form we previously sent had the wrong date. What i do not understand is the form was returned to her address, although the address on envelope was my return address. Prior to receiving the new form, i asked her how long now did she received it. She replied four to five days i have spoken to her on different occasions during those four to five days and she never mentioned that there was a new form, i reviewed it when i returned to my house to ensure everything was correct. My girlfriend at the time (Autumn Markley) signed the acknowledgement form as a witness. Then i signed it in my perspective everything was correct, we mailed the new form of Acknowledgement of Paternity office via certified mail and delivery confirmation. I now have a copy of the first form in which they claimed was dated wrong. (i doubt it). That form is now in my possession, Autumn Markely currently lives in Florida. The last time i spoke with her was new years eve 2007, she called me New Years Eve as if she was worrying about how i was doing in fact she wanted me to stop pursuing this case, i think the Feds must of contacted her about what i do and my where about because there known facts that i went to N.A.A.C.P and A.C.L.U of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania i changed my phone number so that we wouldn't speak anymore because whenever we talked she is always trying to make me not pursue this case.

Chater @ Children Hospital

My name is Ramyond Rodney,
While working at the Magee women hospital in the environmental service department, I tried to get a second job on the side, i ask Roman Nelson who was my team leader at the time. He worked at the Children's Hospital in the environmental service department. I went on a interview on the 17th of May and was interviewed by Mike the manager for the service department. I was hired on spot, basically Mike said to forget the application because Roman Nelson placed a good word for me. He only asked for me to do a background check and drug test, Mike then gave me the starting date May 23, 2007 he also told me that i have 3 days of training starting May 23 to the 25(i never started) i never heard anything from them for about a week, so i went back to check the status on the application on May 29th, trying to find out whats going on the application was no where to be found, Mike wasn't there for the moment so i felt my name, number and address for them to call me. . Linda who worked in the environmental services department gave me a call after 3 days of visiting to find out the on the application and said that they are waiting on the Allegheny County to clear something i then ask her what is it they need to clear and she replied..... something. I think was a bunch of crap, because there was nothing on my record to prevent me from starting the job.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mr Fudor

This is Raymond Rodney, You explained to me on the phone how the expundgement worked. You told me it is going to cost $450.00 for your services and $200.00, $50.00 per case to film them. I sent back you a check for the full amount and you started the filing, you told me when it is finished you would send a copy of the court transcript and results of the expungdment. The only thing that i received from your office was a copy of all the cases that were filed in the court. And up to this day i still have not received anything stating results of the expungements. This letter is to inform you that i no longer represent me as a my attorney. I am giving you 5 documents that you have on my case, including the results of my expungdment.

Burger King

On October 15, 2007 i went to work at burger king place my bag in my boss's office (Rory Mahon). When my shift was over i checked my bag to make sure all my belongings were still there. Thats when i noticed that the delivery conformation slip was missing. I went to the N.A.A.C.P of Pittsburgh; they told me government agencies cover up for one another. After going to N.A.A.C.P office my days were cut to one day per week. I then contact A.C.L.U to file a written complain against the federal government. I had all the documents that they would need for there investigation. Shortly after that.... my work schedule went back to five days

Child Support Office

On the thirteenth day of October 2006 I requested some payments slip so that i could make payments on back child support. It never came, so I called the child support to check the status. She said it got sent back to there office because there was a mix up with my address at the post office. I then informed her about my new job so that they can take the child support out of my check from this new job.

Clark of Court

One morning in April of 2007 i went down town to the clark of court office in Pittsburgh to check on the status of my expungement. A worker by the name of Joann who is also responsible for expungement. A worker by the name of Joann who is also responsible for expungement at that office made copies of my felony charges without my permission. I felt something was wrong, so i want back the following day and ask her provide me with of the felony charges she made the day before. I noticed after she made those copies i could not pass a background check, even though i worked two jobs before (WASTE MANAGEMENT& TARGET) which they but did a back ground which they both a background check on me and everything was fine. I'm seeking help, so if there is anything you can assist me with would be appreciated................ because i really think the FEDS are doing what they can to mess up my life.
I am a permanent resident here in the United State of America, I work very hard................ I'm aslo paying child support for one child and am trying very hard to support the other. I'm not lazy and I want to work two jobs, but the federal government is making it difficult for me to work because I'm trying to sue them for violating my rights. I'm trying to find a constitutional attorney who believes in equal rights and rights.
People of the Public I need your help and i am bringing my case to your attention before it is too late. The PA Pittsburgh Feds have broken the law by sabotaging my divorce. They have stopped me from putting my name my son's birth certificate. They have given me a criminal record record when i didnt have one and stopped me from getting a job. Also they prevented me from picking up my license firearm, and also sabotage my expungement.

The federal Government and United States District of Court are trying to use statue of limitation to hinder the advancement of my case. This means that if two years pass and this case has not been filed then the Pittsburgh Feds are going to go unpunished for the crimes they have committed. The Federal Government is paying the press and every attorney not to deal with my case. New York are trying to force me to drop the suit by attacking my source of income, my job. They control who hires me, who fires me and what position i can work at my job. I am now working at LaGuardia Airport as a standby. My company's name is Guardian it is a cleaning service, i am trying to get another job in the Airport and the New York Feds are sabotaging my chances of this happening.

People of the public, i cannot get the press or an attorney on my own in the United States because of the Federal Government. I am offering 50% of what i am suing for to anyone who can get me the press or a civil rights attorney. Because the country is in recession, this is a big for you. These are the reasons why you should help me: no one is above in law, i have two sons who are my responsibility and i have to work hard to take care of them. This is also an opportunity for you to not have to work for anyone for the rest of your life.

The Federal Government is hoping that you will think i am crazy but i need you yo use your common sense. The documents that i am presenting to you with are proof that i am not crazy or lying. On this audiotape is evidence that New York Feds sabotage my public health insurance. I don't have a for you to contact me on you can find me LaGuardia Airport, Guardian Cleaning Service on the 3rd floor main terminal. You can also contact me via my address written on the top of this letter. I don't have phone because New York are erasing the messages from my cell phones.

I am trying to start my life over in New York, I want to work and take care of my two sons who are the beat of my heart. I want to be there for them in every way financially, emotionally and spiritually. This is my second Christmas that i cannot buy my children gifts since i am trying to file a civil suit against the Pittsburgh Feds. America is about justice and if you break the law it should not have to suffer such injustices. I am willing to take a polygraph test.

I really need your help. The way you can do this e-mail or fax or mail all of these documents and audiotape to every news station, radio station, major newspaper agency that you can.

Thank you for your time and may God bless you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

List of Persons involved

List of Individuals Involved in the Conspiracy With

FOX 5 News
Channel 4 News of Pittsburgh, PA
Rev. Al Sharpton (National Action Network)
CBS News, New York
Charles Ickes (Madame Paulette)
US Federal (Fort Laudderale FL
Houston Restaurant
Blooming Dales Cleaning Service
Roma Cleaning
N.Y University
Bellview Hospital
Prison 47
Prison 48 ACLU of Pittsburgh, PA
NAACP of Pittsburg, PA
Jamaican Consulate of New York
Dr. Zimmerman (Primary Care Physician)
North Versailles, Cops
Mike (Children’s Hospital)
Madome Paulette Dry Cleaners
Guardians Complete Services
N.Y Hospital Queens
Jacobi Hospital
Montefiore Hospital
Toyo Phone Company


Danielle Rodney
Autumn Markley
Rory Mahon
Dr. Freeman
Lisa Sambo
Bryan Baker
Cameron King Samantha Wright
Prosecutor in the Bronx Hall of Justice

Jennifer Chalmers
Norma Chase
Alexus and Brian
Stanley Fudor
Patrick(Editor Street Heights Newspaper)
Lieutenant Micheal F. Gilleian- Pennsylvania Police Carrie Washington
Anita Base
Bruce Rodney
Raman Nelson
Nye Brown
Judy T. Campbell
J. Micheal Mcahon
Mark Williams
Edward G. Rendell- Governor of Pennsylvania

People of the public:
There is a multi-million dollar cover up going on right now in New York and I need your help before it is too late. The Pittsburgh feds broke federal laws. Now, Southern Court District of New York and the Federal Government are trying to cover the crime until statute of limitations runs out. My case is in the wrong court. Now Southern Court refuses to throw out my case
The Federal Government is paying the press millions of dollars to not release my story to the public. They are paying lawyers not to take my case. People I know, who can help me expose them, are also being paid not to help me expose them. New York Feds keeps erasing my story off from They are also stopping me from work and sabotaging my public health insurance. They are breaking federal laws and violating my civil rights.
Here are the documents that the federal government doesn’t want the public to see. I need you to take these documents and audio tape home because I’m offering $100,000,000 (willing to sign an agreement) to anyone who can help me send these documents and audio tapes to the press and help me find a civil rights attorney to file the case in Pittsburgh. If you help me find the press, it is over for the corrupt feds, and if you help me find an attorney, they will lose the case.
By knowing about this case, you have the power to make a difference. I’m willing to take a polygraph test to prove I am telling the truth. NY feds are paying employers to not hire me, because I need $350 to file this case in Pittsburgh, PA.
I cannot afford to pay child support because NY feds are stopping me from obtaining any jobs. I encourage you to take a position in this case because the feds are making it hard for me to do it on my own. If I obey the law, so should the feds. No one is above the law. Please help me!!!

Contact Me At My Mailing Address:
2132 Daily Avenue
Bronx, NY 10460

4267 Carpenter Avenue
Bronx, NY

People of the public my name is Raymond Rodney I rented a room in the address shown above I suspect someone is coming in to my room when im not home on the 7 of October 2009 I came home from work between 3 and 4 pm I caught two F.B.I agents coming out of my house and they stopped and talked to the landlord both of them had walkie-talkie in there pockets the first one had in the his back pocket the second all so had one. People of the public the F.B.I come into my room unless the landlord is working with them I had changed the locks on the door when I first moved in but the F.B.I picked the locks it’s the same thing Pittsburgh Feds did I changed the locks three times in Pittsburgh and went in my apartment everyone in this house is on the Feds Payroll. I need lawyers to investigate everyone in this house including the family of the landlord that doesn’t live at this house they are using cars, Money and United States Visa to probe land lord and snitches to cover-up a crime so I am going make sure no more land lord benefit from my circumstances

4267 Carpenter Avenue
Bronx, NY

People of the public my name is Raymond Rodney I rented a room in the address shown above I suspect someone is coming in to my room when im not home on the 7 of October 2009 I came home from work between 3 and 4 pm I caught two F.B.I agents coming out of my house and they stopped and talked to the landlord both of them had walkie-talkie in there pockets the first one had in the his back pocket the second all so had one. People of the public the F.B.I come into my room unless the landlord is working with them I had changed the locks on the door when I first moved in but the F.B.I picked the locks it’s the same thing Pittsburgh Feds did I changed the locks three times in Pittsburgh and went in my apartment everyone in this house is on the Feds Payroll. I need lawyers to investigate everyone in this house including the family of the landlord that doesn’t live at this house they are using cars, Money and United States Visa to probe land lord and snitches to cover-up a crime so I am going make sure no more land lord benefit from my circumstances


ABM Janitorial Services
Northeast Inc
551 fifth Avenue Street 30
New York, NY 10469

To the people of the public,
This is how the New York F.B.I and Pittsburgh Federal Agency and Child Support Office of Pittsburgh Allegany Country covered up the case I filed In the Pittsburgh PA federal Court. I received a letter from the child support of Pittsburgh in November 2008 stating that I was employed at this job. Therefore they raised my child support without any hearing people I never worked at this job before. I never received a paycheck from site. The Feds fabricated this job to stop me from coming with the money to pay the U.S Marshall, so they can serve the summons to all the defendants in the case that I filed. Samantha, my supervisor at airway cleaning at LaGuardia Airport is on the conspiracy. Every week after I filed the case she would put me down for a miss punch on my clock in sheet and my pay check would result in 64 dollars for the week. My mother is my witness she saw the stub. Look at the letter when my child support was raised but look at the pay stub from airway cleaning. The letter that I received from the child support office. The letter that I received from the child support office stating that I worked at ABM is missing evidence New York F.B.I paid a co-worker to take it out of my bag. Airway cleaning received a letter from the child support office.


ABM Janitorial Services
Northeast Inc
551 fifth Avenue Street 30
New York, NY 10469

To the people of the public,
This is how the New York F.B.I and Pittsburgh Federal Agency and Child Support Office of Pittsburgh Allegany Country covered up the case I filed In the Pittsburgh PA federal Court. I received a letter from the child support of Pittsburgh in November 2008 stating that I was employed at this job. Therefore they raised my child support without any hearing people I never worked at this job before. I never received a paycheck from site. The Feds fabricated this job to stop me from coming with the money to pay the U.S Marshall, so they can serve the summons to all the defendants in the case that I filed. Samantha, my supervisor at airway cleaning at LaGuardia Airport is on the conspiracy. Every week after I filed the case she would put me down for a miss punch on my clock in sheet and my pay check would result in 64 dollars for the week. My mother is my witness she saw the stub. Look at the letter when my child support was raised but look at the pay stub from airway cleaning. The letter that I received from the child support office. The letter that I received from the child support office stating that I worked at ABM is missing evidence New York F.B.I paid a co-worker to take it out of my bag. Airway cleaning received a letter from the child support office.



While working at Magee Women’s Hospital I met Lisa Sambo, by the third week of knowing her she started acting suspicious. I met her in June of 2007. She was no where to be found for about five days, every time I tried calling her she would reject my calls, until one day I got a hold of her. I ask her what was going on and she replied I don’t want to hurt me and my son anymore….. I said to her what do you mean by that….. She didn’t want to talk about it. We spent the day at my place. While we were there I was taking a nap but I wasn’t fully asleep. That’s when I noticed her snooping around, I didn’t think of it until later that evening I noticed that one of the envelope from the bureau of child support was missing along with the delivery confirmation slip and a letter from a acknowledgement of paternity office. We didn’t speak for months after that, when I finally got in touch with her I said to her lets go for a walk so we can talk, Now this is a lady that filed bankruptcy, her house has been in foreclosing three times. Basically she had a lot of financial of financial issues. Within less than a month her life turned around for the better. New house, New car (DVP 3689), no more garnishing of checks. To me everything just look suspicious, to anyone out there reading this if there is anything you can do to assist me with my case please contact me.


On September 13, 2006 I sent my cell phone to my cousin (Bruce Rodney) in New York so that he could put some ring tones on it for me and for him to return it me. He put the ring tones on the phone and sent it back on the 16th of September……., but it was never delivered to my address. On the Monday, the 18th of the Month of September there was no delivery slip left at my address, but on the 19th there was a slip left for me to pick up the phone from the post office. My girlfriend and I (Autumn Markely) at the time went to the post office to pick up my package. The clerk said to me her supervisor tried to deliver your package yesterday. That’s when I knew something was not right. While I was there they said the package is on the last truck coming today, autumn and I decided to wait for the truck. When the truck arrived, I ask the clerk where is my package…… he said to me I don’t know anything I just work here. My package was never on the truck nor was it at the post office that day. I did not get the phone until Friday the 22nd of September. I tried to get the receipt form my cousin (Bruce Rodney) to prove whether or not the post office clerk was lying to me about my package, every time I got a hold of him he tells me to call him back as if he is trying to avoid me.


Dear people of the public,
I am in the middle case in which I am suing the federal agents in Pittsburgh agents in Pittsburgh, PA. They have broken the law and denied me of my civil rights.
The U.S. customs in Florida offered me one thousand dollars to go and buy one kilogram of cocaine for twenty thousand dollars from dealers in Florida. The drugs dealers obtain their drugs off of planes sent from Jamaica at the airport. Who do you think is taking the suitcases of cocaine off the planes? US Customs! They have been working hand in hand with drugs dealers of Florida. I turned down their offer to commit these crimes and now they are making me suffer.
The Federal government is preventing me from obtaining a job, which would allow me to pay my rent and provide for my kids via child support. I have also been refused employment from jobs, which would give me health benefits that I am entitled to. To prevent me from following through with my case the federal government is doing the following:
Preventing me from holding a job
Denying me the right to claim paternity of my son.
Holding my divorce within the courts
Creating a false criminal record in my name and stopping me from getting it expunged
I am writing this letter to get my story out there so that more people can be aware of what the federal government are doing. I need to find a good lawyer and right press so justice can prevail. Right now I am alone I can do so much more people behind my efforts. If you have information or can help me contact me at

Thank you and God Bless

Conspiracy with Raymond Rodney against
Pittsburgh Federal Agency and
New York Feds

My name is Raymond Rodney, I am being investigated by the federal government for drugs. It has now turned into harassment; they are doing some illegal things like going into my apartment when I’m not at home to take away stuff that can be used against them in court, making it almost impossible for me to get a job, following me around, tap my phone calls, basically making my life a living hell. They don’t want me to speak to any one about what they are doing to me they are basically trying to stop me from going public with my story. This is a letter asking for help. I am willing to take a lie detector test about my story if anyone should request for it.